Reflections and Evaluations

"Organisations and structures enable people to respond to community challenges"

As you probably know, the Central Idea for How We Organise Ourselves is
"Organisations and structures enable people to respond to community challenges", which basically means that organisations let our community help solve issues.

The Central Idea is mostly correct, although some people may argue that organisations and structures stop us from recognising individuals who are dedicated to helping our community. This is because the organisations seem to take every action people in the community do under its wing, such as donating money. If organisations and structures ceased to exist, it would be easier to identify who was really helping our community.

However, without structures and organisations, it would be harder to find who to contact if you wanted to help the community. For example, if you wanted to help you could contact an organisation and volunteer, but without organisations and structures there would be a lot of people going to the government, asking for permission to perform a said action.

The Central Idea is very motivational to students like ourselves since we may not be able to do anything big, but we will in the future. It is both a fact and an educational thought.

Take Action Reflection

We think that the Lolly Jar Raffle was extremely successful, since we got 44 people to participate (more than an average class!) and even some of the teachers. Everyone was willing to think of an interesting fact for the prize, and the idea was really original.

Our Raffle didn't take long to prepare, and it wasn't too complicated. Although it was simple, it was a lot of fun, and we got to interact with the rest of Team A. The contest was easy to enter too. A lot of thought was put into it, and although we spent some of our money for the prize (go thank Sara!), everything was worth it in the end.

Something we think we did well was having an original yet simple idea. Something we think we could work on next time is managing our time properly since we did all this in the last week. Overall, we think it was a great project and experience.

Overall Evaluation

Throughout this long-term project, we learnt a lot about working together and what makes a group tick.     We discovered that if all members of the group participate then the result will be much better. We also learnt how to set up a blog, and how to post articles, links, videos, and how to add widgets on the pages of the blog. Even better, all of us deepened our knowledge on racism and organisations associated with preventing it. It was very interesting learning about all those communities and groups and charities, then sharing our findings on the blog! 

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